
WAIPA Award Manager IK8YFU In recognition of international two-way FT8 amateur radio communication, the FT8 Digital Mode Club (FT8DMC) issues Worked-All-Italian-Provinces certificates to amateur radio stations of the world. Qualification for the FT8 WAIPA award is based on an examination by the FT8 WAIPA Award Manager, from QSOs that the applicant has made with one amateur radio station from 30 (50,80,ALL) different Italian Provinces. All contacts must be made from the same country. Attention: “Please make sure that the «COMMENT» field in your log contains the contacted station’s province designator as per the list starting with a hash mark and “IT”. For example – if you made a QSO with a station working from Casteltermini in province Agrigento your comment field should be #ITAG. This is a mandatory requirement to make able the manager’s software to check your application correctly.”